Ceramic Cut Off Wheels

Ceramic resin bonded Cut Off Wheels double reinforced with high strength woven fabric for use with: shaft & pencil grinders, and other applications.  These typically come in sizes with diameter of 3"- 6" with thicknesses ranging from .045" - .065".  Call us for an special order requests.  Highly durable and long-lasting alternative to standard A/O cut off wheels where a higher cost per wheel is offset by a significant increase in wheel life. Brands that we offer include but are not limited to Falcon Abrasives (Blue Talon), 3M (Green Corps ™), and CGW (eXtreme Cut™, eXtreme Cut SS™)  Note: Falcon Blue Talon Cut Off Wheels use a blend of grit sizes 60x/80x for .045" thick wheels and 36x/46x for .065" thick wheels.

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